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News 2021

Completion of Cecilia Makiwane Hospital

By 24 April 2021October 18th, 2021No Comments

WBHO Construction has successfully completed a fast track 100 bed modular field hospital at the Cecilia Makiwane Hospital in East London. This Design and Construct project will provide additional critical care capacity to the already strained healthcare infrastructure currently fighting COVID-19. The 2 300sqm facility consists of 10 ICU beds and 90 specially equipped ward beds. The wards being spatially arranged, so as to best treat contagious diseases such as COVID-19.

WBHO broke ground on 11 January 2021 and handed over the completed facility to Siemens South Africa and the Solidarity Fund, in just under 12 weeks. The design was all about fast-track construction and incorporated a structural steel superstructure atop a raft foundation, with pre-manufactured insulated chromadeck wall panels. The modular solution can also be easily scaled to suit varying capacities and simplifies the construction process, thereby also making it suitable for remote locations.”

Cecilia Makiwane Hospital

Cecilia Makiwane Hospital

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