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News 2014

The Modular Tailings Treatment Plant

By 14 March 2014October 18th, 2021No Comments

The Modular Tailings Treatment Plant (MTTP) is a new diamond recovery plant for Debswana (De Beers and Government of Botswana) at their Jwaneng Mine, north-west of Gaborone, in Botswana. When completed, this plant will be utilized to reprocess all the existing tailings to recover further diamonds. Kalcon a subsidiary of WBHO was contracted for the civil and earthworks of the project which started on 4 February 2013 and is planned to be completed in March 2014.

Contract duration:  
12 months

Contract value:  
P 45 Million (Pula)

ADP Projects


Jwaneng, Botswana