SECTION 16: The rehabilitation of part of the N4 toll road Section EN4-1 Km 0.0 to Km 39.79, MDC Section 16 A&B.
SECTION 17: Rehabilitation of part of the N4-Toll road section EN4/2 km1.5 to km34.0 in Mozambique. Works include 110 000 cubic meters In-situ recycling of pavement layers, 65 000 cubic meters of crushed stone base, 3 465 tons 13,2mm asphalt stone, 7 000 tons of cement for stabilisation, 342 000 litre prime coat, 320 000 litre tack coat, 433 000sqm 45mm thick asphalt paving, 8 050 000 bitumen stabilising agent, 2 000m of re-erection and new guard rails, 2 050 cubic meters 40MPa concrete to pavements, 53 tons steel reinforcement to pavements, Stop and Go’s for accommodation of traffic, 3km of cast in-situ kerbing, 57 No. road signs, 34km of road marking and 8 600 No. road studs.
SECTION 18: Rehabilitation of existing road EN4/2 Section 18 from KM 34,0 TO KM 41,12 (MDC/18). Rehabilitation of 7.12km of Dual Carriageway road. Works include 28 000 cubic meters of bitumen stabilised subbase, 23 500 tons of BTB base, 142 000m 2,45mm thick asphalt paving, 495 tons of 13,2mm rolled in chips, 800m of re-erection and new guard rails, 2 600m of Fig 7 non-mountable kerbs, 3 500m of Fig 8B mountable kerbs, 2 500sqm of 60mm paving blocks to islands, 1 000 cubic meters of concrete to drains and channels and cleaning out existing drainage structures.
SECTION 19 & 20: The rehabilitation and upgrading of the EN4-2 of the Maputo N4 Corridor from Matola to Xai Xai interchange and from Xai Xai interchange to 16 June circle. Upgrading the current two lane traffic configuration to a three lane traffic in both East and West bound directions from KM 41.090 to KM 51.800.