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News 2015

A Good Year for Safety in the Cape

By 11 November 2015August 18th, 2022No Comments


Through the dedication and commitment of all our employees to health & safety, we have had a remarkably improved year.

Safety initiatives, like the “quarterly inter-site safety competition” have assisted in raising safety awareness amongst us. This improved awareness and support is evident in the various accolades that we have achieved.

In the Master Builders Western Cape regional safety competition, the following sites achieved 1st place in their respective categories: Grain Silo, Car Park & Plant Yard.

In the Master Builders South Africa National Safety Competition, the Silo’s came first, with the Car Park and Plant Yard placing second.

In August, Erf 247 Roggebaai, the Silo’s and the Plant Yard all reached 1 000 000 man hours without a lost time injury.

The Divisions LTIFR has improved from 2.5 to 1.3 over the last year, although this is a vast improvement, through further safety initiatives and the commitment from all of our employees we will improve this statistic.

Deon Bester, OHS Manager of MBAWC, in an interview, stated “During our national audits it was clear that when there was management involvement and commitment, health and safety was taken seriously by all. WBHO Cape was no exception, which is evident in their regional and national safety results.”