Gauteng Freeway Improvement was the upgrading of the National Route 1; Section 20 (N1 – 20) from the northern limit of 14th Avenue Interchange (km 27,00) to the southern limit of Buccleuch Interchange (km 48,20). The existing 13,4m wide median is utilized providing a fourth lane in each direction with full shoulder lanes. Improved width on each four lane carriageway comprises of four 3,5m lanes, a 2,20m outside shoulder and 2,35m inside shoulder, with a 0,8m wide median barrier. At all interchange approaches, a concrete pavement auxiliary lane was provided with lengths from ramp yellow break line point varying between 300m to 500m. The four lane through road, with auxiliaries on each carriageway, compromises of five 3,5m lanes, a 1,0m outside shoulder and 2,35m inside shoulder. At Rivonia Interchange a special arrangement was made in the northbound direction utilizing a collector-distributor road. 16 Bridges (6 Road over River; 9 Road over Road; 1 Pedestrian Bridge (Seventh Ave Bridge). Piling was done on four bridges.