The group produced mixed results this year where solid performances from both the African
operations (including South Africa) and United Kingdom (UK) operations were overshadowed by the recognition of a significant provision in respect of anticipated losses on the Western Roads Upgrade (WRU) project in Australia.
– Revenue for the year increased by 16% to R41 billion (2018: R35 billion)
– Earnings per share decreased by 39% to 939 cents per share (2018: 1 534 cents per share)
– Headline earnings per share decreased by 34% to 932 cents per share (2018: 1 415 cents per share)
– Final dividend declared of 190 cents per share resulting in a total dividend for the year of 190 cents per share (2018: 475 cents per share)
– The net asset value amounts to R6.1 billion (2018: R6 billion)