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News 2014

Trading Statement

By 13 February 2014August 18th, 2022No Comments

WBO 201402130011A
Trading Statement

Wilson Bayly Holmes-Ovcon Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1982/011014/06)
Share code: WBO ISN: ZAE000009932


The directors of Wilson Bayly Holmes-Ovcon Limited hereby advise shareholders that in
respect of the unaudited consolidated results for the six months ended 31 December 2013,
earnings per share and headline earnings per share will decrease by between 17.5% and
22.5% in relation to the comparative period.

The decrease in earnings is primarily due to losses from Capital Star Steel, the pipe factory in
Mozambique, as well as a loss from the disposal of Symo, a shelving business within Capital
Africa Steel. These losses have been fully consolidated into the group from 1 July 2013 .
Additionally, the impact of subdued mining activity in West Africa has negatively affected
both revenue and profit generated from the Roads and earthworks business.

The above information has not been reviewed or reported on by the group’s auditors. The
announcement of the group’s interim results for the six months to 31 December 2013 is
expected to be released on SENS on Monday, 24 February 2014.

By order of the
Board 13 February
Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited