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News 2016

WBHO achieves One Million Accident Free Hours at Kumasi City Mall

By 24 May 2016August 18th, 2022No Comments

The Kumasi Mall safety representatives proudly displaying there awards presented at the ceremony.

The Kumasi Mall safety representatives proudly displaying their awards presented at the ceremony..

Kumasi City Mall During construction

Kumasi City Mall During construction

WBHO Ghana, currently constructing the new Kumasi City Mall in Ghana has recently achieved one million lost time injury free hours since the start of the project in March 2015 This Safety milestone marks the third time in four years that WHBO has achieved one million LTI free hours for a building project in Ghana.

A commemorative event was held on the construction site in Kumasi and the WBHO Safety representatives were awarded for this remarkable achievement. Also at the ceremony, the Chief of Asokwa in Kumasi, Nana Fe-Baamoah II, who carried out a congratulatory message to all the workers.

Kumasi City Mall, strategically positioned on one of the major roads in Kumasi, Ghana, in the gold rich area of Ashanti, comprises over 400m of frontage and include main anchor tenants such as Mr Price, Game and Shoprite. The mall has a GLA of 18 157 m2 and a GBA of 47 187 m2 which includes a 15 440 m2 basement parking and will be the first of its kind to be built in Kumasi and is scheduled to open for trade in April 2017. The Kumasi City Mall development is owned by Delico Kumasi Limited, an affiliate of Delico Achimota Limited and Delico Property Developments Limited, also the developer of Accra’s famous West Hills Mall also built by WBHO. Projects of this size is critical for the Infrastructure development and progress of the Ghanaian economy and WBHO is honored to be part of this development.

The WBHO team have had three major safety award presentations for Ghana projects to date. Projects include the new West Hills Mall in Accra that achieved 2 000 000 LTI free hours, the Achimota Mall with 1 000 000 LTI free hours, as well as the Kumasi City Mall with 1 000 000 LTI free hours. Occupational health and Safety on all projects are of the upmost importance and is taken seriously by all staff and have the full support of senior management. All site staff are given a comprehensive safety induction on site before the project starts as well as a daily safety talk where a different safety topic is discussed and a safety pledge is repeated.

For all projects, the necessary PPE (personal protective equipment) is always available on site for everyone in need. Our labour team receives training and are certified on site for doing critical functions such as scaffolding. A WBHO safety auditor visits all WBHO Ghanaian projects throughout the year to audit and train and our culture is to support and not to criticise.

Safety stats and current and completed projects by the WBHO building team in Ghana include:

• West Hills Mall – 2 171 695 LTI free hours. As well as a further 392 946 LTI free hours until completion. Valued at US$ 63 Million and was opened for trading in October 2014.
• Junction Mall – 1 020 456 LTI free hours until project completion. Valued at US$ 19 Million and was opened for trading in November 2014.
• Puma Energy Fit Out – 48 860 LTI free hours. Valued at US$ 1.7 Million
• Achimota Mall – 1 829 549 LTI free hours. The project has been completed and we are also doing extra minor works on site. Valued at US$ 28 Million and was opened for trading in November 2015
• Accra Mall – 355 595 LTI free hours. The awarded 2 phases have been completed and we are still being given addition work. Valued at US$ 3 Million.
• Kumasi City Mall – 1 000 450 LTI free hours on the project to date and is 50% complete. Valued at US$ 58 Million and will be completed in March 2017.

Roads & Earthworks stats in Ghana:

• Ahafo Mine for Newmont – 4 495 691 LTI free hours on the project, valued at US$ 80 Million and still in progress.
• Iduapriem Mine for Anglo Gold Ashanti – 1 980 120 LTI free hours on the project, valued at US$ 75 Million and completed in July 2014.
• Golden Ridge Mine for Newmont – 2 918 729 LTI free hours on the project, valued at US$ 60 Million and completed in May 2013.
• Asanko Plant Site for Adansi Gold Company – 764 098 LTI free hours on the project, valued at US$ 18 Million and completed in December 2015.

It is clear that WBHO Ghana receives the full support from WBHO Construction in terms of plant, equipment, finance, personnel and expertise. The Kumasi team has had the benefit of lessons learnt on the previous contracts with a core team made up of both Ghanaians and South Africans.

WBHO is also working successfully with local suppliers and subcontractors as well as our trusted SA subcontractors who are all making a big contribution towards our efforts and successes in Ghana.

Whilst working on the Achimota Mall project, WBHO engaged in some community responsibility work by helping the local police station with new female jail cells and we are currently improving the school on the property adjoining the Kumasi Mall site which involves the construction of a toilet facility and landscaping.

Kumasi Mall Consulting Team:
• Architects: Boogertman and Partners in association with Multicad
• Project managers: GHC Africa in association with Diagonal Projects Africa
• Civil: Aurecon in association with ABP Consult
• Electrical: Nortelec in association with ABP Consult
• Structural Engineers: Bms Baker in association with Rizzle Consult
• Quantity surveyors: DELQS in association with Antwi Baah Consult
• Mechanical Eng: Aurecon in association with ABP Consult
• EHS: MBA Consult

Over the past 11 years in Ghana, WBHO has truly made its mark and been rendering invaluable services to different classes of consultants and clients. True to the core values, culture and vision of WBHO, every client we have worked for has been impressed with the quality of works, efficiency and competitive cost for the project.

It is now well known that all our clients can Rely on Our Ability.